
Sunday, September 30, 2012

My first garden (small, but it's alive & that's what counts lol )

My garden on my porch!

Just a few planters with the first plants I've managed to grow & keep alive :)

These are just a couple of the things I have on my porch:

 My two avocado trees I started from pits in April
My celery plant. In May, I saved the base of a celery cluster & just planted it into the ground and started watering it :)
My one bean plant. I planted four beans in April, all four sprouted. Two of them didn't survive me trying to transplant them into a separate planter. I had the last 2 in one planter for a bit, then I moved them each into bigger planters & the other one died. This one has been string from the beginning & it was the first to sprout.
Today I realized there are little bugs on them, I believe they're aphids, I am going to get some ladybugs to fix that problem! But when I was looking at it closely, I realized I've had beans growing that were hiding under the leaves =D

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